Friday, August 15, 2008

Green Goal Day Two

Today's green smoothie was

6 cups of green tea
3 cups of parsley
1 cup of celery
1 cup of mango chunks
2 cups of banana slices
I had this for breakfast and dinner & it made me one happy camper, yum.

For lunch I had some pesto with squash pasta, tomatoes and pine nuts. The fresh herbs accounted for 25%+ greens part of my meal. It was deee-lish. Everyone in the break room was commenting on the amazing smell.

I guess I should mention a little something about the insanity that is my life as of late. Well, for the two weeks before school starts (one almost down and another to go) I'm working two jobs. I go to job #1 from 8 am- 4:30 pm Mon-Fri and then on the 5 or so days a week that I work job #2, I go straight from job #1 and work at 5:00...craziness. Then I get home, prep all of the food for the next day, check GI2MR, facebook, myspace, e-mail ect and crash out. I have been sleeping way less than the 8 hours a night that I soaked up almost every other night this summer. I always hear raw foodies saying that they only sleep 4 hours a night or something like that which sounds AMAZINNNG but I've never been able to pull it off. I'm not exactly sure how to go about it. I've gotten in a habit since starting college of pretty much always setting an alarm even if there's nothing especially pressing about getting up. So now I wonder if I should drop the alarm and see when my body wakes up naturally and that's how many hours of sleep I am
suppose to be getting? How do you know what your body needs exactly? Sometimes you're tired and know your body needs rest but you can't fall sleep for one reason or another. I've been getting 6 hours for the past few nights (4 one night) and haven't had any major energy crashes or anything. My thoughts have been very clear (which they generally are NOT when I'm sleep deprived). I could attribute this to the ammount of greens I've had in the past few days and/or the fact that I've been working out at least a little each morning, I think that really helps my energy levels. I do get lulls in my energy during certain times of the day. When I get off work I always have all kinds of energy though so I'm thinking maybe it's not the lack of sleep but rather the lack of excitement in my life right now. haha. It's okay though, only a week left then my awesome roomies move back, school starts and I have a life again. Whooo-hooo!

1 comment:

shannonmarie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love that you put green tea in your green smoothie. That's a great way to energize your day.