Monday, October 20, 2008

Right on Dr. G!

Just watched the rawkathon interview with Dr. G. It's the only one of the 4 so far that I've actually been able to sit through. I respect a lot of the raw food "gurus", don't get me wrong but what Dr. G says just really makes sense to me. He has such a simple view on raw foods and how it ties into health overall. It's very comprehensive, quite the opposite of the magic bullet approach that fad diets and yes, even raw food can often take. "Eating well is so easy and such a gift that people actually need to experiment and find out that hey, the water's fine here...So that we can start paying attention to the other issues in life. Paying attention to our food and our fitness is not what's important in life. There's a lot going on in the world that need help." Dr. G is right! We need peace of mind, an ability to handle and process our feelings, connections with other human beings, sunshine, physical activity ANNDD a healthy diet. You can't have tunnel vision and just focus in on one thing. We're so hungry for a quick fix but that's not what life is about. It's a journey and the challenges are always changing. It's an adventure and it should be exciting, not daunting.

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