Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thank You Lisa B!

Every time we consume something for comfort, (to suppress sadness, loneliness, anxiety, annoyance etc etc) the emotion somehow gets stuck, bound up with the toxins that were in the food/alcohol/drugs etc that we used to medicate our feelings with. (Generally we will not have done comfort eating/emotional medication with an apple or a glass of water!!) So, when you start to eat raw healthy food, suddenly your body has the resources to rid itself of the toxins it has been storing.
As the toxins come out, so do all the feelings that you stuffed down when...
you ate a whole litre of ice-cream when yr boyfriend dumped you
you smoked cigarettes to try and deal with stress at work
you got REALLY drunk when yr best friend got married, and you realised things were never going to be the same again

etc etc

perhaps it might be useful to think over yr life, and write down all the times u have medicated yr feelings with food, alcohol, cigarettes etc, and dont beat yrself up about being down- but realise at least some of yr emotions are really healthy!!!
of course, some emotional ups and downs mayb due to other things, like food allergies, relationship issues etc
is yr natropath supportive of u being raw?
if u feel too bad, maybe just back off a little, and try Dr. Norman Walkers intermediate diet. (u can get his cheap and information packed little book from Matt Monarch at Raw . I decided that when i went raw, (for health reasons) i was going to make it as easy as i could, and as quichly as i could, and if that means the occasional healthy cooked meal to slow down the detox, then so be it. Raw is not meant to be about more suffering!

Breathe deeply, take a walk, have a bath, cuddle a dog, be kind to yrself, and remember, u r not alone :-)

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